Will the PJ Harvey concert have seating? Will the rave be done by 10PM? Is it okay to flirt at a funeral? Will this Doom Generation 4K disc work in my player?
If you’ve asked any of these questions you, like us, might be medium cool. We’re Emily Schultz and Brian J Davis. Years ago we founded Joyland Magazine before going on to write novels and make movies. We used to be young and cool but now we’re medium cool and have turned this interesting state into a zine of writing, oversharing, and columns from us, our friends, and maybe from you.
“Found Art” pitches, as well as publicity queries, can be sent directly to Brian at heroiccollective@gmail.com
Essay and interview pitches can be submitted to Emily at emilyannschultz@gmail.com.
Contributors are paid.
Got a question for Dear Poly Hannah? Email her anonymously at dearpolyhannah@gmail.com
You can also DM her through Instagram.
Medium cool is the most sensible setting on an air conditioner. Medium Cool is also the name of a 1969 film directed by Haskell Wexler who in turn was inspired by Marshall McLuhan’s idea of hot and cool media. More important, Medium Cool stars Robert Forster, who also starred in 1980’s Alligator, a film written by John Sayles about a giant alligator that attacks Chicago. Alligator is a better movie than Medium Cool but it would be a terrible name for a zine.

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Medium Cool co-publisher Brian J Davis is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn. He's a producer, along with partner Emily Schultz, at Heroic Collective.
mfa candidate at nyu, columnist at dear poly hannah & survivor of dyke drama
Writer and producer. Novels: Sleeping with Friends (Thomas&Mercer), Little Threats (Putnam). Podcast: The Blondes and The Bite.